Welcome to the MAPCC

We were the longest running computer club in the Omaha/Council Bluffs area until June 2022. Thank you for 40 years!
We would meet to share ideas, discuss problems and simply to get together. We were a small, friendly group that simply enjoys getting together for both social and computer related discussion. No "high-tech" jargon that confused the beginner!

Annual functions included our 'Action Auction', Summer Picnic and Christmas Party.

Visitors were welcome.

Thank you for 40 years!

Club Officers Were:

President-Vice President: David Ladd & Kevin Holloway
Secretary: Bruce      Treasurer: Kevin Holloway
Appointee: Newsletter Editor & Web Master - Bruce

Last Meeting was June 21, 2022

When: Never Again

Where: Only in memory

Council Bluffs, Iowa

DEMO: No more demonstrations.

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