Club History

The Metro Area Personal Computer Club, (M.A.P.C.C.) was originated in 1982 by a small group of computer enthusiasts who worked with the new Radio Shack Color Computer. During that era, the Color Computer was quite powerful and allowed the home user to get in on all the fun. Of course, things have progressed rapidly over the years and todays computers are quite different from the very simple, basic, Color Computer.

Since the eighties, the  MAPCC had one of the longest running 24/7 BBS operations, with well over 100 registered members. A BBS, (Bulletin Board System), was a forerunner to present day Internet chat room type activity, long before the Internet was available to the home user. Members could leave messages, comments etc. for other members and read replies to their comments. The "Good Old Days?"

We were prominent in several annual Science Fairs and were regularly part of the action at the McMillan Jr. High School "Computer Fair" in Omaha, with usually two booths set up. We introduced the first voice activated computer program, called "E.A.R.S." long before such a program was available for many other computers.

The Club has held many special events over the years including group campouts, summer and fall picnics, Pot Luck Christmas parties and a fun event we all look forward to, aptly called "Action Auction", an event where a variety of any items, not just computer items, are donated, then all the proceeds go into our club treasury to help support the club activities and expenses. We donate to worthy causes annually at Christmas time to those who are less fortunate than we are.

Club Goals

The main purpose of our group is simply to Pass It On, (the Club Motto), - to share with fellow members what knowledge we can to help and encourage their use of the home computer, be it with a particular program, game or computer technique. There is always the new user who often needs help and those in our group who are able, are happy to do what they can to offer such help. It provides a great time monthly, for those with a common interest to come together and enjoy the camaraderie and learn more about their computer.


Our meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, except December, (no meeting that month) because of Holidays. We meet at Sapp Bros. APPLE BARREL restaurant (in their fully equipped party room).  Apple Barrel is located on So. 24th st. in Council Bluffs, Ia.  

Activities at each meeting include conducting any necessary business during the first portion of the meeting, including an opportunity for discussing problems you may be experiencing. During the second half of the meeting a member or guest offers a hands-on demonstration.   For added interest, a cash drawing is held at both the beginning and end of each meeting.


During the early years of the club we voted to institute nominal annual member dues. Dues are only $15.00 a year for individuals. Family dues, (all those living under your roof), are only $20.00 annually.These fees help support some of the club activities and expenses. Unlike most rising costs these days, we have never raised the membership fees since they were first implemented, in the early 80's! We publish a monthly newsletter which is posted on this web site, as are important notices, such as next meeting date, what the coming demo will be, and any current notices.


We hold annual nominations, (usually at the April meeting), and vote for officers during the May meeting. Elective offices are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.



At the June 2022 club meeting a nomination to disband the club was seconded and then voted upon by the members present. The majority of the members present voted to disband the club. Any items the club had were auctioned off and all club funds are to be divided up evenly and distrubuted to the active members (primary active member for family accounts).
